SSNA Services & Capabilities

Turnkey Vessel Management:

Compliant (crew and vessels) Scout and safety vessels. Single point of contact for fleet management and tasking. Automated daily reporting for each vessel and custom data available.

Offshore Fishing Liaison Officers:

Provide actual fishermen, with proper credentials & experience, to help mitigate risk and de-conflict with the fishing industry.

Gear Claim Process Administration:

Offer a standard, consistent path of entry for claimants. Give developers an objective third party to deal with fishermen. Will allow identification of nuisance and erroneous claims.


Guard Vessel – Cable

Guard Vessel – Site

Environmental Observation

Real-Time Tracking

Our onboard vessel software allows for real-time monitoring of safety/guard zones and captures all targets (ARPA and AIS), vessel movements, fishing gear, protected species and HSE events. Data is stored and can be utilized for incident reporting and analysis.

Plotter Files

Quintham Data Capabilities

Traffic History

Gear Mapping

Wildlife Tracking